The Importance of Free-Play: Top 5 Reasons to Let Children PLAY!

1.  When done outside, connections with nature are built

In our current world, wild environments are disappearing and we are facing global environmental crises at the same time that we are experiencing rising instances of chronic diseases.  By supporting time for children to play freely outside, we help them to build a connection to the natural world.  Connections with nature build an environmentally-friendly and sustainable mindset with an appreciation for all that is wild.  People who spend time outside are healthier physically, tending to be more active which reduces chronic diseases.  Time outside also promotes mental wellness and an increased ability to cope with stress.  Helping children to be able to build these connections through free play at a young age increases the likelihood of healthy habits as they grow.

2.  Fosters integrative play which is a foundation skill for effective communication

Integrative play is when children are actually playing together, not just side-by-side, but together in the same activity.  Developmentally, this begins to happen around ages 3 and 4.  Sharing toys and ideas, coming up with and playing by the same rules, and a lot of laughter tend to occur.  Because play and imagination are fun, children can work together to figure out the parameters of a made-up game.  These interactions build foundation communication skills including listening, turn-taking, and assertiveness.

3.  Builds creativity

Free-play allows children’s imaginations to flourish.  Today perhaps a large rock becomes a pirate ship or a tree fort becomes a house on a desert island.  Maybe a patch of wild bushes becomes the wild west.  A tidal pool becomes its own little underwater world, or an actual pool becomes a mermaid lagoon.  Creativity is used and useful in every professional field and facet of life because this is the foundation of idea generation and problem solving.  Artwork, stage plays, music, and books are all born from creative processes.  Technology, the entertainment industry, healthcare, and hospitality would be in a lot of trouble if this skill were to vanish. 


4.  Allows the natural development of problem-solving skills

Problems and challenges happen on a daily basis and can range in size from minuscule to humongous!  How we face and overcome these determines not only our abilities to survive and thrive, but also our character.  Development of reasoning skills begins during childhood.  Let’s say, for example, that we are playing a game of kickball and someone is hit with the ball at the moment they step on first base.  How we as a group come together to figure out what to do means the game continues to be played or the game ends.  Motivation to keep playing encourages children to work it out.  This working it out is the start of problem solving.  Now, let’s say one of the children who played in that kickball game is now faced with a word problem in school that they have never seen before.  Having had a moment where they worked together to solve a problem before may be the difference between giving up in defeat feeling a tsunami wave of anxiety at the fear of getting this wrong, and someone who stops and thinks through a way to figure it out.  With technology meaning answers are literally at our finger tips, this ability to reason through and work out a problem is disappearing.  Allowing children the opportunity to engage in free-play that is not only free from adult’s stepping in to “show them how it’s done” but that is also technology free means that children can learn how to do things on their own.  They take these foundation skills with them as they grow.

5.  Creates moments of joy

Fun!!!!  Free-play is just fun!  Having moments of joy is imperative for a holistically well human being.  Let children play their way, with their imaginations running the show.  Let children have time to play by themselves and time to engage in integrative play together with other children.  Let them make up their own rules.  Supervise from a distance where you are really just there in case of an emergency.  Let them have unscheduled and unstructured times where they are given the chance to be in charge of their choices for play.  And watch the wonder unfold because a child’s mind is an amazing thing to behold!

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